Sunday, September 6, 2009

Building the Table:Part One

This is my first attempt at a Warhammer table. I figured this would be my practice run, so I didn't bother to make it modular. I got some 4x8 sheets of white styrofoam from Home Depot and cut it into my two hills.

The Plan is to have a bridge across the two hills, over top of a road that runs the length of the table. You can see a few tanks, and the legs of a Titan for a size reference. I used a bread knife to cut and shape the hills over three evenings... My wife nearly killed me, and probably should have. There was styrofoam all over the house. Styrofoam is a VERY hard thing to clean up, it gets everywhere, it's really heavily influenced by static electricity, and I had to empty our Dyson 6 times after vacuuming the entire house three times over. I only managed to jam the vacuum up twice though, so that's pretty good.

The road was pretty simple, I just used wall filler. Laid it down really heavily for the road, then sanded it down (after these pictures) just enough so that it still has some cracks and inconsistencies. It's just wide enough for standard tanks, you can see where the bridge will eventually go.

The next step was to put in some stairs. I decided to make the hills generally "impassable" which necessitated SOME sort of path. And stairs are nice and simple to build. I used some left over sprue chunks to detail the stairs, being anal enough to try and match up knubbly bits on both sides of each stair case. I think they turned out really well, and were simple, and essentially free!

Stay tuned for more exciting table action!!!

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