Monday, June 29, 2009

Comic Pick of the Week: June 24th, 2009

Reading List:
  • Green Lantern #42
  • Astonishing X-Men #30
  • Skaar:Son of Hulk #12
  • Amazing Spider-Man #598

Pick of the Week:

Amazing Spider-Man #598

Written By: Joe Kelly
Pencils By: Paulo Siqueira & Marco Checchetto Siqueira
Colours By: Jeromy Cox

Ok, so this is part 4 (of 5) of the "American Son" story arc. Where we have Norman Osborne trying to turn Harry into his own personal "super-hero". There was a lot in this issue that I just outright enjoyed. There were some big reveals, including the fact that Lilly, whom has up until this issue, has been carrying Harry's baby... is actually carrying Norman's and that they've been working together to manipulate Harry. Spider-Man has been captured and is being beaten by Norman and Bullseye while they attempt to remove his mask. In the end, Harry discovers the ruse and willingly dons the "American Son" Stark style armour in an attempt to rescue Spider-Man from the clutches of his evil father. Spider-Man, post "One More Day" has been everything a comic book is supposed to be, and I think this issue was a prime example. Everything in it was fun and exciting. We had betrayals that lead to heroic acts of daring rescue, we have the fantastic Norman/Harry Father/Son storyline going on which ultimately ends in a (little doubted) epic betrayal.

The art was in usual form, Marvel puts some of it's best talent on the book. My only complaint is more due to character design than actual artistic talent or ability. I find that Harry and Norman look WAY to similar... especially when they're both wearing a suit. The scenes I enjoyed most (art-wise) were the scenes with Norman and Bullseye with the captured Spidey. The detail and viseral feel of the panels is inherant, and you feel each hit Spidey takes, making his eventual escape that much more satisfying. This has been a really enjoyable story. I only started reading Spider-Man after the re-boot, and this is the first real taste of the Peter/Osborne connection we've had. I LOVE the father/son relationship, it's a big part of what I like about the Bat-verse right now, and seeing Harry struggle with his past/future as a superhero/villian, in the face of his father who has clearly chosen his path without struggle or regret is a stark contrast.

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